How will you pay for college?

Applying for student loans may require a credit check.

As college tuition costs skyrocket, you might be wondering how to pay for school. The most common solution for cash-strapped students is to apply for student loans—a reasonable plan, provided you have good credit if the loan application requires a credit check.

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College Financial Planning

Ask a parent with a child in high school about college and you will likely get an earful about the cost of higher education. For a significant number of families, sending the kids to college means taking out a loan - and a strong Credit Score plays a significant role in getting the best rates. It's important to plan ahead for the cost of education, whether your kids are driving or in diapers.

Yes! Credit Matters: Will Your Credit Make the Grade?

Having a college education is more important than ever now. Many employers require a college degree for even entry level positions, so getting an education is a smart investment. Whether you plan on attending a public or private college, you're still going to need enough money to cover tuition, books, and living expenses! If you don't qualify for financial aid, grants, or scholarships, you'll need student loans to cover costs. If your student loan application requires a credit check, find out if your credit is likely to make the grade before you apply.

Yes! Credit Matters: Creative Ways to Finance College

College is more expensive than ever before, but that doesn't mean you can't afford it. With a little creativity and planning, you'll be able to cover expenses and still have enough for a second helping of ramen noodles! Planning ahead gives you the opportunity to apply for scholarships, grants, financial aid, and work study programs. Checking out your options before heading off to school also gives you time to search for jobs that provide room and board, like nanny, caregiver, caretaker, or housekeeper.

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