Good Credit Starts With You!

It's never too late to learn your credit basics.

Having good credit can make it easier to get what matters most to you in life - like having a home, getting a good job, and being able to borrow money when you need it. Learn how to take better care of your credit, so it can take better care of you!

Get My Credit Report & FICO® Score
Credit score calculated based on FICO® Score 8 model. Your lender or insurer may use a different FICO® Score than FICO® Score 8, or another type of credit score altogether. Learn more

Basic Information About Credit Scores

To many of us, credit remains a mystery. What exactly is a Credit Report, and why does it matter? How do FICO® Scores play into it? If you want to learn more about your credit and how to take better care of it, this is a great place to start!

Yes! Credit Matters: What's in a Number?

A FICO® Score is a credit score based on the information in your Credit Report. Paying your bills on time and using your credit responsibly builds a positive history, while paying bills late and over-extending your credit build a negative history.

Yes! Credit matters: The importance of your Credit Report

So what's a Credit Report and why's it so important? Report are a record of your payment history and other credit-related details that lenders use to determine if they should give you credit. The information on your Reports is compiled by the credit bureaus, which regularly receive data on whether you make payments on time and how much you owe. Since creditors are constantly reporting new information to the bureaus, your Credit Report can change from day-to-day.

Yes! I'd Like to Know My FICO® Score. Get My FICO Score Now

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